
Stay Safe


CyberWise Chrome extension reports

phishing, adware and malware

on all EnglishRussianHindiGermanSpanishAfricaansPunjabiFrenchKazakhMongolian websites

it's light & free:)

CyberWise detects cyberthreats for people speaking 10+ languages

Currently available in: English, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, German, Punjabi, French, Afrikaans, Kazakh, Mongolian

CyberWise - Detect phishing, adware and malware on websites | Product Hunt


Fast site analysis

Spot phishing phrases, files, and ads on sites in your native language

Built-in Reports

Derive useful insights into the security of every page just in 1 second


Customize the level of cybersecurity on every website


Our phishing detector is backed by scholarly articles and research

Be CyberWise

The extension is out now!

New Launch SOON 🚀

Made in Typedream